• Compact Crushers

    Compact Crushers


    CRUSHMASTER compact crushers are often used for breaking broken parts.

    Excellent ometr V ”Cutting Geometry
    The rotor blades are designed with sahip V oloj cutting technology. Compared to standardized full-angle blades, the amacıyla V ın cutting technology continuously provides a material cutting concentration towards the center of the rotor in order to achieve a final volume reduction. Because the olarak V kal design has been subjected to a point-cutting shear load such as a rotor blade;
    - Less motor power is required,
    - Abrasion of the body of the crushing machine is prevented,
    - The system works quieter,
    - Dust rate decreases.

    Compact design
    Crushing machines are designed to be compact so as not to occupy much space. The crushing machine and the material suction system are mounted on a metal chassis. Therefore, it can be easily lifted and transported by forklift or manual lifting mechanisms.

    Easy hopper and screen opening system
    Manual drive and gear mechanism is used to open and close the crushing chamber and the sieve system.

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